So today I'm going to try to do both of the challenges again! One is to take book spines and make a poem and the other is to talk about my OTP in books. Let's do this. (Spoilers below for The Assassin's Curse books. Kind of hard to explain the OTP if I don't spoil it a bit lol)
One True Pairing
I have so many that I could talk about right now that I love, but I think I will talk about the one from the books that I just read. I have fallen in love with Ananna and Haji from The Assassin's Curse and The Pirates Wish by Cassandra Rose Clarke.
In both of the books it takes awhile for them both to realize that, for one that they can trust each other, for another that they truly love each other. Two books of them bickering and fighting about which way to go or if she was putting herself in danger. I loved how they were like venus and mars, but they both are so stubborn to see what's in front of them. Yeah I really think Ananna sees it faster, but seeing as the books are in her point of view, I'm not sure when he realized he loved her as well.
While reading the two books in their story, I couldn't get enough of these two. He's assigned to kill her in the beginning and then falls in love with her. She saves his life and hates him, because he' has to protect her, then loves him. I just love these two so much! I wish the author would write more of their story.
Book Spine Poetry
The Assassin's Curse
The Iron King
The Immortal Rules
showering the
6 Books = 6 Extra Words
1. Against
2. Forever
3. Showering
4. The
Crystal · 553 weeks ago