So day five didn't go as planned either, another day of not really getting my reading done. But it's okay, I did read 40 pages of Breaking Point and isn't reading the point anyway? So that's good enough for me. Sometimes life gets crazy and you can't be down on yourself for that. That's what I say.
Number of books I've read today: 0
Total of pages read today: 40
Total number of books I've read so far: 3
Books: The Assassin's Curse,The Pirate's Wish, and Article 5
Total number of books I've read so far: 3
Books: The Assassin's Curse,The Pirate's Wish, and Article 5
Number of Pages: 1048 pages
So there is my update for Friday. Time to get today's challenge posted as well! YAY and then time to read.
mishmanixon 63p · 552 weeks ago
Good luck and happy reading!
Mishma @ As the page turns
HDFCERGOInsurance 51p · 382 weeks ago