This feature is hosted by the lovely Parajunkee and Alison Can Read! I love this feature because I get a chance to chat with other book bloggers and make new book loving friends. Mainly you answer the weeks question and then you have a chance to follow as many bloggers as you want. It's a win win meme really, you find new connections and they find you as well. Welcome to my blog all new followers!
Another fun question for this weeks Feature and Follow Friday post. I really enjoy doing these and would like to thank both Parajunkee and Alison Can Read for posting these for us. But anyway, this weeks question talks about social media and which one is our favorite. My favorite is below as is all my links.
I would have to say that my favorite social media would have to be Tumblr and Twitter. That's right it's a tie really. I would also say Youtube, but I'm not sure if that would count as a social media site. If you would like to see my other links they can all be found at the top of my blog.
As for following me, I would really love some more Bloglovin followers, GFC followers, pretty much any type and I would be happy and so thankful.
Thanks so much for stopping by and I hope you all have a great Friday and a great weekend.
Sarah · 555 weeks ago
AlisBookshelf 69p · 554 weeks ago
GREATreviewer 90p · 555 weeks ago
Here's my Follow Friday
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower :)
AlisBookshelf 69p · 554 weeks ago
Georgia May · 555 weeks ago
AlisBookshelf 69p · 554 weeks ago
dilynch2013 23p · 555 weeks ago
Diane @ Diane's Book Blog
AlisBookshelf 69p · 554 weeks ago
Alie M · 555 weeks ago
AlisBookshelf 69p · 554 weeks ago
Ayanami Faerudo · 554 weeks ago
AlisBookshelf 69p · 554 weeks ago