The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted over at Caffeinated Book Reviewer. A post to share news, recap the past week and showcase any books that you have placed on your bookshelf in the past week. It's also a post to share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. To find out more about the Sunday Post Meme: CLICK HERE
So this week I've been gearing up for Bout of Books 11.0, I did get some reading done, but I only finished a few graphic novels. This week is going to be crazy, I have Bout of Books 11.0 and a Book Blogger Challenge that I am participating in. There will be a lot of posts this week. Also below you will find a giveaway. Make sure you stick around for that!
Last Week On The Blog
- Another Add To My Bookshelf
- Day in The Life Guest Post
- Ready to Love Again Review
- Snark Week (Day one through five)
- Bout of Books Goals
This Week On The Blog
- Fangirl Review posted (Again this week I'm going to try to get it posted)
- Review: Eleanore and Park
- Bout of Books Updates
- Back to School Book Blogger Challenge (Posts every day)
- Review: To This Day
Alright, down to the fun stuff! Yesterday I had the best day, I got to go to Joseph Beth again and chat with 6 amazing authors. Yep that's right another fantastic book signing. I had met each of these authors once or twice before but I love getting to see them. But anyway, the lovely store gave me the poster you will see in the image below and each author signed it to giveaway here on the blog.
To enter all you need to do is do the things on the Rafflecopter. It's pretty simple. This giveaway is only for residents of the US though. Sorry to my international people!
(The poster hanging up in the right hand side of the picture. There will be a post later this week about the event with more images as well!)
Red Iza · 553 weeks ago