For those of you that don't know this amazing challenge that I
participated in last year is hosted by the amazing and wonderfully
talented Parajunkee. I'm excited to participate again this year and
honestly I hope it kicks this year off with some great blogging habits.
I really feel like I failed last year and had the biggest reading and
blogging slump I've ever had. So I'm hoping to change that this year.
If you would like to participate, more information can be found here!
Day 3. The negative things in blogging 2015 to avoid in 2016.
Well the biggest thing I want to avoid this year is burn out. I think that's what honestly happened this past year, I was burnt out on blogging and reading, so much so that it made me hate getting on here to post anything. Then when I did, it felt like the only things I was posting were the daily meme posts and after awhile that gets a bit old.
So the plan this year is to add more discussion posts and book lists. Also want to make sure I'm reviewing the books, I have a tendency to read them and then not review. I am going to say this now though, I'm not going to review every book I read this year, that puts a lot of pressure on me and I'm thinking it takes the fun out of what I do here on the blog. That's the whole point, I guess, that I'm trying to make. I want to bring the fun back into this blog and make it where I love posting and sharing things with my readers again.
So what about you, what are the things you're going to avoid this year? Even if it's not blog related, but maybe book related, leave me a comment below I would love to know.