Today I have a great post for you! I have so much fun featuring authors and their books, I mean that's part of what this blog is about. So anyway, today is one of these types of posts. Below is a Guest post from Terry Maggert and a giveaway of either the Ebook of Halfway Dead or the audio book winners choice.
But before we get to that, I would like to thank Terry Maggert for writing up this post for the blog and for taking the time out of his busy day to write this post.
AM Alarm. Within thirty seconds, I stand up, dislodging cats. The dogs
greet me and I let them out. I must check for destruction, as one of our
hounds is a Newfoundland *puppy* who most recently ate my deceased
mother's Bible.
AM Coffee in process. 8-10 cups, which is adorable because I don't know
anyone who thinks that six ounces of coffee constitutes a "cup" of
coffee. Please. Pipe down and hand me the bucket.
AM Dogs are in. Various animal feedings and such well underway. Cats
resume glaring at me for reasons known only to them, but their ability
to judge me is second only to an ex-girlfriend who lives next door.
Stand in shower. Begin to shave. Wonder if my life is really going the
way it should. Argue with my body about whether or not I'm old.
6:15 AM Coffee kicks in. SUCK IT WORLD, I WON.
AM Drop son off at school, and remark that only sadists could think it
reasonable for little kids to be in school before the sun is well up.
Resolve to change rules when I become emperor.
7:06 AM Make note that I should become emperor.
1:45PM Teach college history. Eat. Write furious, sporadic notes about
plot points in upcoming novels. Wonder if angels would drink beer, or
would that be weird, then decide that yes, my angels would certainly
drink beer-- and especially if they're related to my family.
PM Enter pickup line at son's school. Exultation as I secure the prime
spot. Open laptop, begin writing, and take a long, meaningful look at
the unlucky minions behind me. High-five self for getting in line early.
Begin fighting sleep because car is quiet and restful.
PM Son is pounding on car window in a panic, I appear to be dead but am
merely sleeping. Teacher walks by, gives me mild sneer. I wipe drool,
apologize to son, and drive away, somewhat sheepishly.
3:45PM Starting to get hungry again, but go for run. Every ten steps, have most brilliant novel idea EVER.
4:45PM Finish run. Close to death. Cannot recall novel ideas. Feel crushed, but remember that there's pie to eat.
7:30 PM Son is in bed, creativity engaged. Consider new characters, books, and art.
9:55 PM Actually begin writing due to arguing about Star Wars for two hours.
To bed. Move animals, who glare at me in the dark. Try to steal covers
back from bride. Remember all the great ideas form earlier, but can't
move because of cats. Resolve to write it all down . . . .tomorrow.
Title: Halfway Dead
Author: Terry Maggert
Pages: 264 pages
Come for the waffles. Stay for the magic.
Carlie McEwan loves many things.
She loves being a witch. She loves her town of Halfway, NY—a tourist destination nestled on the shores of an Adirondack lake. Carlie loves her enormous familiar, Gus, who is twenty-five pounds of judgmental Maine Coon cat, and she positively worships her Grandmother, a witch of incredible power and wisdom. Carlie spends her days cooking at the finest—and only—real diner in town, and her life is a balance between magic and the mundane, just as she likes it.
When a blonde stranger sits at the diner counter and calls her by name, that balance is gone. Major Pickford asks Carlie to lead him into the deepest shadows of the forest to find a mythical circle of chestnut trees, thought lost to forever to mankind. There are ghosts in the forest, and one of them cries out to Carlie across the years--Come find me.
Like the forest shadows, danger can run deep. The threat is real, but Carlie’s magic is born of a pure spirit. With the help of Gus, and Gran, and a rugged cop who really does want to save the world, she’ll fight to bring a ghost home, and deliver justice to a murderer who hides in the cool, mysterious green of a forest gone mad with magic.

This giveaway is for either an ebook copy or an audiobook copy of Halfway Dead by Terry Maggert.