Harry Potter Moment of the Week is a meme that is hosted by Uncorked Thoughts and Lunar Rainbows Reviews. Each week there is a question based off of Harry Potter that we have to answer. I love these types of posts.
This Weeks Question:
What do you think your best subject would be? Not necessarily your favorite but the one you think you'd be best at.
Wow now this is a hard one, I guess most of us could say muggle studies, but I think that's cheating. I'm pretty sure I would be great at charms and potions, mainly because I'm very good with small details. I would probably end up like Hermione and need a time turner, because there would be so many things that I would want to learn. My luck each class would be during another that I wanted to take.
I really liked this weeks question, it took some thought. If you would like to join in the fun, make sure you stop by the hosting blogs today and write up a post.
Micheline · 478 weeks ago
AlisBookshelf 69p · 478 weeks ago
Jaclyn Canada · 478 weeks ago
AlisBookshelf 69p · 478 weeks ago