Sunday, January 31, 2016

Ali Talks: #InCoWriMo and Joining in the Fun!

Ali Talks is a post that I created for all my discussion posts, it's a post where I can talk about genre's, books, things that are happening in the blogging/reviewing world, etc.  Today though I'm going to be sharing something a bit different than I have in the past.  Today I want to talk about something else that I've been doing.  

February is going to be pretty busy for me, not only with this blog and reading, but also with writing.  No I'm not talking about working on my book, nope I'm talking about writing actual hand written letters.  Here lately I've been writing a few pen pals that I've found in the Bullet Journal community and I've loved it so far.  But this month, there is a, I guess you would call it a challenge going on called #InCoWriMo.  It's almost like Nanowrimo, but instead of working on your manuscript,  you write a letter or card every single day and send it out in the mail that same day.  

If you haven't put two and two together that means I'm going to be hand writing 29 letters to 29 different people.  Luckily I had joined a Pen Pal group on Facebook and a lot of those amazing people have joined in on the fun of #InCoWriMo, so I have plenty of people to write too.  I'm also going to be writing letters to a few troops that are overseas as well.  I think it's important to share some joy with them, seeing as they are fighting for our freedom. 

What is #InCoWriMo?

InCoWriMo is the short name for International Correspondence Writing Month.  

Anyway, I want to use this post to talk about not only #InCoWriMo, but also writing in general.  It's been years since I've actually sat down and wrote anyone an actually handwritten letter.  How long has it been for you? 

I know a few of you are asking, where do I even start? Right?  Well the first thing I did was find a pen pal.  There are tons of places to do so, all you really have to do is google it.  I also joined the Letter Writers Alliance.  To hear more about this group, CLICK HERE.   Now you don't have to join the Letter Writers Alliance, I did mainly because it's only 5$ and it's a lifetime membership.  

Mainly, find a Pen Pal and start writing.  That's really all you have to do is you want to write Pen Pal letters.  I know the next thing you're going to ask is what in the world do I write to someone that I don't know.  Right?  What I did was research.  I looked up writing your first pen pal letter, I used Google, Pinterest, and Youtube to figure these things out.  

If you want, later on this month, I will write up a post about this very topic, just comment in the comment section below and let me know if that's something you would like me to talk about. You could also take a look at my Pinterest board I created all about Pen Pal Ideas.  

I will be posting an update here on the blog, more than likely a weekly post on how I'm doing with #InCoWriMo.  That way I can hopefully keep up and keep track of how many letters I've actually wrote.  If you would like to see pictures of my letters, I'll probably be sharing a few of them on Instagram as well.    

Oh and if you would like to join in the fun of #InCoWriMo, CLICK HERE for more information.  If you're going to join in please let me know! 


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