I'm so happy that it's that time again and yep I'm talking about Bout of Books Read A Thon! If you don't know Bout of Books is hosted by Amanda @On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading The Paranormal. It's a week long read-a- thon that isn't crazy pressure and there are twitter chats and lots of fun.
I try really hard to make sure I take part in at least a few read-a-thons a year and Bout of Books is one of them. So below you will find my TBR for this great read-a-thon and I hope you all will join in the fun.
TBR List
Pivot Point by Kasie West
A Castle of Sand by Bella Forrest
Passenger by Alexandra Bracken
The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken
I might add another book, it really depends on if I finish these first. I'm really excited about these four books though so we shall see if I can finish them.
Vonnie · 481 weeks ago