Today, I have a great blog tour stopping by ,Christy Sloat who wrote The Brown House has a great guest post for you. After the guest post, you will be able to find book information and author bio as well.
So let's get to it!!!
So let's get to it!!!
Balancing life and Writing with Christy Sloat
My life is anything but scheduled. My day starts basically when my seven year old daughter wakes me up with a question about her monster high dolls. I usually wake up feeling the after effects of staying up too late the night before from writing or reading. I have to have coffee, all writers need coffee! Without it how do we function? I also have a two year old probably wailing at me by this point.
In order to write I need complete and utter silence from all children including my oldest child, my husband. So after my hectic day of being a stay at home mom is over. Who am I kidding? It is never over, let me rephrase that. When the kids are in bed and quiet for a little while. I get on the computer. The first thing I do is check my Facebook. Yes that’s right I check in with my author friends and my fan page and say a little hello to them. Then I pull up my document. Oh yes the lovely document that holds my future book.
Of course I must go through the document to catch myself up on the events of my characters’ lives. You know check in on them and see where we left off. After a few hours of writing I call it a night. It is usually about one in the morning by now. So I drag my tired butt back to bed and do it all again.
You are probably asking yourself right now, how is she balancing her life out? How is this even about balance? This sounds totally and completely ‘unbalanced’! Yes it is. Because me as writer isn’t about balance. It is about what I can get done in a day’s time. And this is just about writing the book. There is more to being a writer than the actual writing. The biggest heartache is the promoting. I am on Facebook, Twitter, Google, Goodreads and more. You name it I am there talking and blogging my heart out! All the while a Disney film is playing in the back ground and my two year old is asking for more milk in her cuppie.
For now my writing career is slightly off kilter per say. One day I hope to balance it out and iron out the rough edges. But it works for me. I have written two books so far and I will not stop there. So yes I am a mess but I still get work done and I love every single minute of it.

Some secrets should never be revealed…
Brylee Branson begrudgingly made the excruciating move with her family from the warm sandy beaches of California to small town living in New Jersey. As if she wasn’t miserable enough, they’ve moved into a creepy old house that everyone in the area claims is haunted. Brylee dismisses the idea of ghosts and hauntings, until she begins to see and hear things that can’t be explained…
Brylee has no choice but to seek the help of new friends to unlock the secrets of this place she now calls home. But some secrets should never be revealed. Can the teens find a way to release the spirits imprisoned within the walls? Or will the curse claim them, too?
Author Bio
Author Bio-Christy Sloat is a Southern California native who now lives in New Jersey with her husband and two daughters. She believes that reading is a passion and it should be embraced. If she is not reading or writing she is cooking or spending quality time with her children.She believes in past lives and love that can last lifetimes. She is huge Stephenie Meyer and J.K. Rowling fan. Some of her favorite vacation spots are Maine, Massachusetts and California.
Author Links
Author on Goodreads
Thanks so much Christy for stopping by the blog and sharing this great guest post with us!
AG Roberson · 658 weeks ago