Sunday, August 5, 2012

Review: Perilous Light by Alyssa Rose Ivy

Review: Perilous Light by Alyssa Rose Ivy

IN A GLANCE: The second book in this series is defiantly just as great if not better than the first! I love this series!!!

Title: Perilous Light
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy
Format: Paperback ARC (given to me by the author for my honest        review)
Pages: 224 Pages
ISBN 13#: 9782475020981
Buy This: Amazon

Would you sacrifice everything for a world you barely knew?

A year has passed since Charlotte and Kevin first stepped
through the gate into Energo and neither has been able to settle back into their normal lives. Charlotte tries to distract herself from thoughts of Calvin with the antics of James and her growing friendship with Liam. Kevin can’t seem to shake his feelings for Samantha as he adjusts to his new identity as a college basketball player.

When they unexpectedly return to Energo, both Charlotte and Kevin must face their fears and become the leaders they were always meant to be.


Simply put this book is stunning.  Perilous Light is amazingly great and just as amazing as the first book in The Afterglow series, if not even better.

Perilous Light, starts off almost where Beckoning Light left off, give or take a few months.  Charlotte misses her love that she left in Energo even though he betrayed her and she is back home.  She still has her protectors of course with her, but her older brother is off at college. 

I don't want to give too much of this book away, but they end up having to go back and fight the fight to fix things that have been messed up.  they also go back to try to find Charlotte's mom, so she can help teach Charlotte what she needs to know. 

The book is full of adventure, love and of course bad guys.  Oh and sprinkle a few Zombies in there and you got one amazing book.  Like the first book we get to watch these great characters grow even more and Charlotte, I think, grows the most in this book.  She gets to learn more about her powers and tries to understand love as well. 

Like Beckoning Light, this story is told by Charlotte and Kevin both, and like I've said so many times before I love being able to read all sides of the story.  This time though this incredible author throws in some of Calvin's side as well, which I thought was great getting to understand where he was coming from as well. 

I hated seeing this one end because I wanted more of this story and I seriously wanted more of the pages to show up magically so I could keep reading.  I also really loved how we got to see more of the world in this book as well.  Before we only got to see Energo and well the regular world, in this one we get to see more cities in this story and get to meet new characters as well.  Perilous Light is a fantastic read and I loved reading and seeing the characters through their journey to saving Energo!

Sometimes, I get a bit nervous about a second book in a series.  I never know if an author can top the first book when I really loved it., however Alyssa Rose Ivy did just that with Perilous Light.  She topped her first book in this series and it is simply stunning to read. 


Plot: 20/20
Characters: 20/20
Creativity: 20/20
Writing: 19/20
Ending: 10/10
Cover: 10/10

99 out of 100 = 5 Puppy Rating

Thanks so much Alyssa for letting me read your amazing books and for letting me enter through the gate with Charlotte and her family and friends once again! Can't wait to read more of their story!!

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