Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Review: Angelkiller by H. David Blalock

Review: Angel Killer by H. David Blalock

IN A GLANCE: Very interesting...Angelkiller is a great Good Vs. Evil story.

Title: Angelkiller
Author: H. David Blalock
Publisher: Seventh Star Press
Format: Paperback (Given to me by publisher for honest review)
Pages: 207 pages
ISBN #: 0983740232
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Why do bad things happen to good people? Simple. In the ancient war between the Angels of Light and Darkness, the Dark won. Now it is the job of an undercover force simply known as The Army to rectify that.

Using every tool available, The Army has worked to liberate our world from The Enemy for thousands of years, slowly and painfully lifting Mankind out of the dark. On the front of the great Conflict are the Angelkillers, veterans of the fight with centuries of experience.

Jonah Mason is an Angelkiller, and his cell is targeted as part of a plot to unseat a very powerful Minion of The Enemy. Mason and his troop are drawn into a battle that stretches from real-time to virtual reality and back. The Conflict is about to expand into cyberspace, and if Mason is unable to stop it, The Enemy will have gained dominion over yet another realm.


As soon as I read the synopsis of this book I knew I wanted to read it.  I knew right away that this one was going to be very different from all the other angel books out there that I had been reading recently.  I needed different and was glad that this book was just that.

Cyberspace mixed with angels and demon's....well that's defiantly different. That would be the first reason I really enjoyed this book.  Another thing I really enjoyed in this book is how well thought out the plot is and the descriptions are great as well.

But, there were a couple things in this book that I didn't really like.  One being how much I missed getting that connection with the characters.  I love books that I can dive into and connect with the characters and get to know them.  This book, I didn't get to do that and its a bummer I would have really liked to get to know them a bit better.  The other thing I didn't particularly like was that some of the characters names were so similar that I kept getting confused on who it was talking about.   I kept having to reread parts so I knew who it was. 

I don't want to ruin this book for anyone that wants to read it, because its a great plot driven book.  Yes, I said great because it is a great book, its just those little flaws that made it not as amazing as it could have been for me. 

I can't wait to read the next book though, I'm hoping those little flaws get worked out and the next one will be Amazing.  Even with those little things, I can say I would recommend this book to my friends and readers, it is a incredibly different story.  Its not what you would expect from an angel story, just remember that!


Plot: 18/20
Characters: 16/20
Writing: 17/20
Creativitity: 19/20
Ending: 9/10
Cover: 10/10

89 out of 100 = 3 1/2 Puppy Rating


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