So yeah it's day 5 of #BlogFlash2012 and I am having a great time posting these posts. Today's post prompt is perfect for me today. This past weekend I went to a huge signing and even though I had so much fun meeting the authors and getting lots of books, I was totally frustrated about something.
I hate Fake people and I'm so tired of them thinking they are so much better than other people. I know I'm going on a rant today with this one and its probably going to be over the word limit for #BlogFlash2012 but I can't help it.
Like I said above I went to a book signing and on of the people in the audience was someone that, as a blogger, well let's just put it this way, I didn't want to be nice at all. I had a blast at the signing, getting to see Julie Kagawa again was a total highlight and getting to meet Rae Carson (author of The Girl of Fire and Thorns), Christine Johnson (author of Clare De Lune and Nocturne), and Sarah Rees Brennan (author of Team Human) for the first time was amazing! (Pictures coming soon!!)
But, with this one person sitting back like no one knew who she was and what she did killed me. I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs what she had done! I try really hard not to let things get to me, but it was really hard to do that this past weekend.
I have some other fake people in my life, but you know what sometimes you have to just sit back and try to forget they are there. Just smile and do what you are doing, then let the fake people be fake.
Today's Word Count: way over the limit lol
elizabethcrisp 4p · 659 weeks ago